Wednesday, September 22, 2010

India and Global Financial Crisis- Evaluation of Policy Responses and Lessons

I and Nitish (a close friend and batch mate at SDMIMD) are currently working on a student paper to be presented at Institute of Management, Nirma University during Nirma International Conference on Management (NICOM 2011) at Ahmedabad.Here's the abstract of that paper:

The US and other major European economies like the UK are gradually emerging out of the recession, although at a snail’s pace, despite some critics predicting a double-dip recession in the near future. It would take a few more years to completely regain the growth momentum. India has by now emerged from the global financial crisis and is on its way to report strong economic growth over the next fiscal. The greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression of the 1930s has thrown up several issues like regulatory oversight, fiscal misprudence, unbridled corporate greed etc. along with unforgettable lessons for policymakers, regulators and enterprises worldwide .

In this paper, we seek to evaluate the various fiscal and monetary policy responses to the financial crisis by the major global economies, right from the unfolding of the crisis till date, with a special emphasis on India.The varying impact of these responses on inflation, unemployment ,fiscal health and economic growth of India has been examined. Protectionist measures in the developed economies have been analysed. The key lessons to be learnt from the crisis have been dealt with. The conclusion and our inferences have been included at the end.

I will post the entire paper for those who want to read it after we finish it.


Being beautiful helps!!

The inspiration for this post comes from the 1946 Alfred Hitchcock flick "Notorious" which I just finished watching.Thanks Virinchi for this wonderful movie!

Would like to make a few points about the benefits of being a beautiful girl/woman. I certainly don't mean to say that not being a beautiful woman is a vice. Neither do I mean that feminine beauty can compensate for the lack of other essential traits which are a MUST in any job like sincerity, competence etc. Apart from all the attention(often unwarranted,though seldom undesired) that feminine beauty attracts almost on a daily basis, it has been the source of inspiration for many a poet in a multitude of languages worldwide. From John Keats to Kalidasa, every poet has penned poems appreciating and admiring this virtue of women.Many men have lost their hearts to beautiful women in the past and continue to do so. I am trying to address how being beautiful helps a woman in this largely male-dominated world. Let's take espionage (spying) for instance.Beautiful women have been great spies in the past.Almost all the major nations have employed them to gather sensitive and otherwise inaccessible information from the enemies. These femme fatales have been largely successful in their missions, often not shying away from sleeping with multiple males to gather information (an occupational hazard). It is very hard to lie, even for the sternest of men,when immersed in the ecstasy of love-making. This basic instinct of men has spilled the beans on many occasions in the past and has been therefore exploited accordingly by intelligence agencies.Good-looking girls certainly get an upper hand when it comes to hiring for jobs that requires extensive face-to-face contact with a large number of people (mostly men!) like receptionists, air hostesses, school teachers and models.It makes sense as men generally feel good talking to a beautiful women than a man (however efficient and handsome he might be) and for the women, it doesn't matter whom they are talking to as long as the job is done well.Research done in the US clearly suggests the incidence of a direct positive correlation between feminine beauty and career success in many jobs.

There could be various reasons to explain this. I believe apart from the biological urges of sexual attraction,other things can be at play like the feeling of happiness (to varying extent) experienced by men when they deal with a smiling, courteous and effective (of course!)lady who is good-looking. It harms nobody.

For all those women who are not good-looking, there is nothing to lose heart as they can leverage other traits they are good at, in jobs as well as in the pursuit of LOVE and happiness in their personal lives.I believe there are many men out there who are more than willing to share their lives with women who are kind and caring despite being moderately endowed with beauty. But then there are also many men who want to go for the belle femme (beautiful women in French) ONLY!!

Keep Smiling. Makes you look more beautiful!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Seth Godin

Hi folks! I am in the middle of the term-4 exam season and typing something in my blog about an extraordinary video I just saw on youtube!!

For the uninitiated, Seth Godin is one of the greatest experts on marketing of our times. His ideas have been path breaking, thought provocative and highly useful for all the students and practitioners of marketing. In this video, he essentially talked of two things:

1. Target the innovators and the early adopters whenever you come up with a new product/service because they are the ones who care to listen to what you are saying and will buy the product. They will speak good about the product/service to their friends and the idea spreads like that.No point to communicate to your entire target audience as it costs a bomb and isn't effective.

2.Try to be remarkable in whatever you make or the way you market. With choices increasing and very less time at the disposal of the consumers,there is no way a product/service is going to be noticed unless there is something remarkable about it.

Here's the link to this wonderful video with amazing examples to elucidate the ideas:
